About Leslie

Leslie Carmichael has been inside the Great Pyramid at Giza, has watched the world turn purple during a solar eclipse, and has been an honoured guest at a Canadian-Scottish-Taiwanese wedding. She has swum in the Red Sea, picked amethysts off the ground in Thunder Bay, watched a space shuttle land and cooked a medieval dinner for 200 people. She has worn a corset, a suit of armour and a Klingon outfit (but not all at the same time!).


Leslie liked to work on miniature dolls and dollhouses when she was not writing. She could crochet three-dimensional objects without a pattern, but found knitting way too complicated. She also sang soprano in a choir and loved music.

Leslie lived in Calgary with her husband, three children and two demanding cats.

Before her battle with colon cancer, she was available for school, library and association visits for readings, and talks on:

  • Getting Started

  • Creating Interesting Characters

  • Plots and Clues: Writing Whodunnit Plays

  • World-Building

Leslie was a member of SCBWI, SFCanada, IFWA (The Imaginative Fiction Writers' Association). the Writers' Guild of Alberta, AWCS and YABS (Young Alberta Book Society).

Her other writing credits included short stories, articles and creative non-fiction.