Plays and Other Works

Leslie Carmichael wrote comic interactive murder mystery plays for Pegasus Performances since 2004. Most of the plays took place at Calgary’s famous Deane House, a century-old house that was originally the home of Superintendent Richard Burton Deane of the N.W.M.P. Pegasus plays have also been performed at other locations around the city, and in other cities – even Las Vegas!
During the plays, audience members are invited to watch the events unfold while they eat a delightful meal and guess Whodunnit, based on clues and motives. The actors often break away from the comical scripts into improvisation, which can be lively. The resolution to the play is unveiled after the audience members have had a chance to ask questions of the characters during a “Kangaroo Court,” and have completed a ballot naming who they think was the culprit.
Leslie also wrote a full-length musical with Ann Crawford. One Voice: A Musical Comedy in Two Acts was originally performed at Symons Valley United Church, May 26-29, 2005.

Other Works
Short Stories, Essays and Poetry
“Something Plucked This Way Comes,” Strangely Funny Anthology, 2013
“Rummage Sale” – Gull Lake Visitor’s Guide, Summer 2007, 2009
“The Aisles of the Blest,” SFCanada website, 2007 (humorous essay)
“Miracles,” Crossroads (speculative fiction anthology), 2007
“Hockey Night in Canada,” Third place, Transylvanian Society of Dracula (Canadian Chapter) creative writing contest. Journal of Dracula Studies, Anniversary Issue, 2005.
“Liranel’s Gift” / Mistletoe Madness: a collection, 2004, Blooming Tree Press (Austin, TX).
“Predators” / Storyteller: Canada’s Short Story Magazine, Summer 2002 (3rd prize, Great Canadian Story Contest)
“Look Way Up” / Pigeon Lake Visitors' Guide, 2012
"The I Don't Quilt Quilt" / The Canadian Quilter, Winter 2011
“Miniatures by Design” / American Miniaturist, February 2005
“The Unspoken ‘Language’ of the Fan”/ American Miniaturist, March 2005
“Alabaster Bowls”, “Ushabti”, “One-of-a-kind Wicker and China” / American Miniaturist, April 2005
“24-Carrot Detail”/ American Miniaturist, June 2005.
“NaNoWriMo” / WestWord, Mar-April 2004
“Treasured Miniatures & Treasured Friends” / American Miniaturist, May 2004
“Crocheted Net Bag” / American Miniaturist, July 2004
“Young Writers’ Conference” / WestWord, Jul-Aug 2004
“Quilt Country” / The Canadian Quilter, Winter 2004
“Sweater Weather is a Time of Joy” / American Miniaturist, November 2003
“Stone Soup” / The Canadian Quilter, Fall 2003
“Conference Report” / WestWord, Nov-Dec 2002
Various cartoons / Multiple Moments, magazine of the Canadian Parents of Multiple Births Association